Going out with a bang
Earlier in the day, Carl and I went to see 'Batman Begins' which turned out to be freaking awesome! I didn't think I would like it much, but dammit if Christian Bale isn't one hell of an actor. That guy can go from being Mr. Nice Guy to being Psycho in a millisec. And man, he was ripped!! He actually looked swollen at one point. So now I like Batman. I really think it's the cape tho....can't be a superhero without one. Daredevil? Give him a cape and maybe I'd like him too. Afterwards, we went back to my flat, where we drank a small bottle of Malibu Rum I had left over from a while back. And so it begins....
As night came, I found out from Krupa that people weren't going to Bristol anymore. Good, seeing as how I don't really have room in me budget for extra train and cab fares. I asked Carl if he wanted to come along too; he said sure. EVERYBODY and their mother was out last nite, and seeing as how the majority of students ended their exams that day, I wasn't suprised. But this meant long-ass lines outside Bath's club like I'd never seen before. First place we went to had long lines, semi-good music. Second place, long ass line and 'Latin music', but I didn't hear a lick of Latin. The line at Poo's[aka Poo Na Na's] was short and moving so in we went.
And off we go!! Carl bought the first round: a Reef for himself, a vodka and Sprite for Krupa and a Southern Comfort and Coke[diet that is] for moi. Mr. Former Bartender spotted a bottle of absinthe on their shelves and I flashed him a smile. He bought us a couple of shots and man, did it sting. I could tell this shot was stronger than the ones I've had in the past and he told me that specific brand was 50% alcohol!! No wonder. Went to the dancefloor, where the music wasn't all that hot, so I knew I wouldn't be dropping it like it's heated tonite. After a little while, Carl let me know that "that absinthe hit the spot!" I replied in agreement and, seeing as how some girl had made him spill his whole drink anyway, back to the bar we go!
I bought us two more shots of the green monster[plus a Smirnoff Ice for myself] and Carl decided to buy a bottle of champagne. I told him I didn't really like champagne, but he assured me I'd like this one. Man was he right! Or maybe it was simply because I was so buzzed after a while that the champagne was actually drinkable. Actually, buzzed isn't the right word. Seeing as how we drank the whole bottle of champagne, I'd say I was tore up. Halfway through the bottle is where the craziness began: I was so gone I wouldn't be able to tell anybody the names of any songs that played for the rest of the nite seeing as how I had stopped focusing on the club entirely. Ill keep the details to myself, but lemme just say I've been completely underestimating the power of alcohol: its ability to impair abilities, cognition, judgment and reason. Not that I did anything THAT drastic, but man, it can really mess you up and have you doing things you might not normally do.

As for today, I completely forgot to buy the apple cake I wanted to take home. The weather was crappy so I didn't go out for most of the day. I met Mabu tonite to watch Sin City, which was cool..bloody, but good. I wished her safe travel for her trip to Tanzania tomorrow and she wished me the same. Hopefully, Ill see her again. She's cool peeps.
Now I'm off to pack the rest of my crap; I'm catching the train bright and early tomorrow morn. See you when I'm on the other side of the Atlantic!