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Exam Time

...not for me actually since I'm done with classes! It's exam time for the students at the University of Bath, and let me tell you, it is some serious ish.

First of all, the majority of these tests....excuuuuse me, exams[I've called them tests or finals and I've been corrected many times] are the ONLY exams that has been given all semester. So basically, I dunno if it applies to other Universities as well, but the University of Bath is run like an American law school. That is just nuts to me. AND, to make thing worse, they're not even multiple choice!! Straight essay. I couldn't tell you the last time I had an essay test in college. Oh yeh that's right, NEVER. Maybe if I wasn't in health and science, and say majored in History, I would've definitely done essays by now.

So I guess the American system might be a little easier or whatever, but I'm definitely not ashamed of how we do things. Nor do I feel any less academically competent than the people here. I'm sure I could do it too....if a gun was put to my head.

So yeh, I see my roommates for basically a total of half-hour each day. They are constantly locked up in their rooms and whatnot. Same goes for everybody that I call...Mabu, Carl, Krupa. It's like they're all on lock-down and can't do anything. So Im hella bored.


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