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New Week!

So this week started with a BANG!! well not really...I just started a new rotation. Now i get to see messed up ICU patients all the time! Happy days!!

Nothing special happening these past few days. Went to my friend's graduation party on Friday nite...got her the same gift I get EVERYONE for graduation lol. [If you're reading this and I'm gonna buy you a graduation present one day, you'll be getting it too]. It was cool. Made a fool of myself dancing...as usual...mainly by doing what we like to call "The Sean Paul Willie Bounce." Onna my friends remarked that she's glad that she has such fun friends because boring people are well....boring. I second that statement! My real good friends are some fun people and I honestly dont know what I'd do without them.

So as the nite went on I got a little bit of a buzz as I shared the big-ass bottle of pre-mixed Bacardi Bahama Mama with the people there. Another one of my 'friends' [and I use the term loosely] came later with his little posse and his drinks.

At one point, he offered me a taste of what he was having. I said "what is it?" "Vodka and blah blah blah. You want some?" "Yeh, lemme get some" I say. He then goes OUTSIDE and then comes back IN with the drink. This fool is hiding his alcohol in the car!! I shouldn't be surprised though. He's been doing this since I've known him. But how stingy can you get??? lol He swears people are gonna drink up all his liquor and that it should only be for him and his brother. Crazy. I made some remarks that kept pushing his buttons a little so that was hella funny.

In all, not that many people were dancing, but that's what happens when you leave the chairs inside the house at a party. As any party-thrower knows, remove chairs and people wont sit. Also, turn out the lights. I know I hate to dance when bright spotlights are shining at me. We also all agreed that for some reason, it's like we can't dance to nothing but reggae music anymore! lol isn't that a shame?? yeh, yeh we can dance to other stuff, but when reggae comes on, it just gets us going much much more. Doing all the dances and stuff I think is what makes it so interesting...

I also kept getting bugged by my friend's brother, whom everyone deemed annoying and weird. He kept trying to take pictures of me and kept showing my friends pictures he had taken of his eyes! I tried to explain to them that he's one of those people that can be funny but then doesn't know how to stop. One of my friends kept looking back and forth at me and smiling, which made me crack up and then I had to tell everyone else why she kept doing that. Let's just say I made a mistake and she was staring me down to help me remember that ONE LITTLE MISTAKE! lol I was asked how could I ever have done such a thing. My reply was "I simply wasn't in a right frame of mind." Boredom makes you do stupid things.


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