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My poor immune system

My poor immune system has been invaded...i.e. I'm sick.

This is one time I KNOW exactly who made me sick. The two people I've worked closely with for the past month had both been sick at the same time and they passed on their nasty viruses to me. Let's hope they're not very virulent strains..i.e. hopefully I'm not sick for very long because I have sch-tuff to do. Study for my new rotation that starts next Monday, miss my appointment for my free workout with a personal trainer, etc....

Yesterday, I went to a friend's graduation. Yay, I'm so happy for her! Especially since our old school wasn't let her get anywhere and so she switched schools. She seemed much better off with the switch so I'm happy she did that. She's gonna be doing big things when she becomes a producer! And hopefully she puts me in one of her movies :) Tomorrow is her graduation party where I'm gonna "get crunk and stay drunk" as my big hair friend likes to put it.

When I drink, "the nite of" is usually fine: I dance like I'm crazy and could care less what people think. It's kinda like my Red Bull or Crunk Juice (whatever floats your artificial energy boat)....I get really energized and it keeps me going. But then "the day after", I always start thinking to myself "Did I make a fool of myself last nite??" and "Dammit, Im never drinking again." I really should stop drinking because I swear I'm getting an ulcer lol. Just kidding. I just mean it can be a little irritating to my stomach sometimes, depending on what I drink. But being the pharmacy-student/hypochondriac that I've become, I usually think it's more serious than it is.

Tonite is dinner for my friend's sister's birthday at some Polynesian restaurant. Yay! Get to try something new...I'm always up for that.


ps. More on gym life: Why did I see a 12 year-old boy in the gym the other day? He's not even done growing yet. I don't think he should be there trying to tone, lift and seperate.

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