Went to pub called The Midlands last nite, a 5 minute walk from me and a one minute walk from The Odeon, a new movie theater complex that looks NOTHING like anything in Bath simply because it' new-looking. They aint showing nothing I wanna see yet but I'm definitely going there onna these days. The complex has a TGIF's in it and I got all excited!...till I remembered that I cant stand that place. Now if it was a Chilli's, maybe. They also had a restaurant that serves "portugese," so said a waiter, but the menu looked typically typical to me...i didn't see one lick of Portuguese on the menu outside. So yeh, on to Midland, where the World Cup qualifying game of England vs. Azerbaijan is scheduled for 7:45...and it starts on time. I am shocked and awed at myself, cuz I remember seeing the whole game and didn't once come close to blowing my brains out due to utter boredom. buuuut, then again, I was doing other stuff, like talking, drinking soda, eating 'crisps' and playing 'American' pool, cuz apparently the British play differently.
Basically the brit version involves picking up the white ball after EVERY hit, and placing it back to the line where one first breaks the balls. Joe E. Crack! what kinda way is that? wait....hahaha i cant believe I just wrote that. anyway, I argue and say that's not how you play it and eventually we ask someone else in the pub. After hearing my version of how to play, he said "oh, that's the american way" and I say "EXACTLY, so that's how we're gonna play." And of course that doesnt help me cuz I still lost....I got this close to winning. must practice my billiards...
As I sat drinking, I noticed at the table next to mine 4 people sitting there including 3 girls. One was smoking the fastest burning cigarette ive EVER seen and the other was smoking the thinest one EVER...thing looked like the size of the straw from a Capri Sun big pouch. I wonder if the first girl thought the faster it burns, the less carcinogenic, but of course we all know that's not true. And I found out the thin cigarettes are basically cheap ass cigarettes, cuz after a while I saw her rolling something. I was like "is she rolling a joint in public??" But I was told it was just the cheap way. I bet the cheap ones are even more deadly...they dont give u enough of the good shit, just probably "now more benzene!!" If I was a smoker, I think i'd stick with expensive cigarettes, because hopefully, more expensive equates MORE nicotine and maybe less carcinogens. I might be more addicted but less benzene and tar. lol I have no idea what Im talking about. I later saw another guy doing the same and I got sad for him too.
On to the actual match, I am certainly no football expert, but I could tell England was playing like garbahge against Azerbai-paki-uzbeki-afghani-kazak-stan[who even knew they had a team!!] because England had the ball, oh...92.865% of the time, but only managed to score two goals and apparently last week, poland whooped azerbaijan 8-nil so it shoulda been easy. They missed a whole buncha chances which made me realize that watching football consists of one main reaction: "OH! That was almost in!" "OHHHH" "OH..that was a close one!""AWWW" All the news and newspapers picked up on that and were also baffled by their country's performance. Some guy name Gerrard scored the first goal and then my boy David Beckham, aka husband of skinny-ass Posh Spice [she's, like, totally waaay too skinny for a grown woman with three kids: brooklyn, cruz and some other cockamamie name]. Seriously, he is too fine, and this is one of the few times Ive heard him speak so i was def paying attention. AND his hair still looked good even though he'd just been running for 92 minutes! crazy...But I noticed he had a staple of British teeth...the double row!!! ive seen that characteristic over and over again, but their dental problems are no joke. I saw an article about a woman who had to pull out four teeth cuz she couldnt go to the dentist and she sent them to the prime minister!!! HAHAHAHA that's sad, but semi-funny. Apparently, not only is it expensive as hell just to SEE a dentist, much less get actual service, apaprently there's a shortage of dentists nationwide. So if I was studying dentistry in America, I might consider crossing the pond cuz Id prolly get paid beaucoup.
So yeh I stayed til last call at 11 then went home and couldn't sleep a wink, my mind RACING at the speed of light. I twist n turn for 2 hours then decide to get back up and go on the computer. I discovered how to mess with my blog page and ended up spending the next almost 3 hours learning how to change it. My eyes were hurting and, when i went to look in the mirror, they were basically bloodshot. I tried to go back to sleep, but my eyes were TREMBLING...i put the poor buggers thru hell. I wish there were exercises you could do to keep your eyes make then run on the treadmill or give them vitamins directly or something. They are SOOO important and yet nobody's ever really told me how to take care of them.
c'est ca. a bientot.