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so i finally get to my 'room' aka a box! on the fourth floor no less! but it's cool. it's one of four rooms in a long corridor, where there are two bathrooms and a kitchen. i meet one girl who lives in the room beside me but english is obviously her 2nd or 3rd language. she will inform me later that i need a phone card to dial out of the complex!! WTF??? i can barely dial the phone numbers as is, now i got another hurdle to jump over. I swear...there are 10 different ways the english write their phone numbers, and i've only got the dialing of one way down so far. i still have no clue how to dial a cell phone. anyway...i IMMEDIATELY go to sleep. i tell myself i'll call my mother and sharon later to tell them im safe...too tired right now. slept for a good three hours, then went downstairs to the pay phone to phone my mummy. i couldn't tell the last time i saw a pay phone in the US! i think gas stations still have some, but i digress. im hungry as hell, so i start walking. Dr. Moss told me i live close to the 'city centre' so keep walking north and ill hit stuff.

i notice there's very little activity. i check my watch...it's approx. 7:15 pm. WTF? why are no businesses open?? i look at windows....stuff closes at 5pm, 6:30?? huh? can i get a 9pm, 10pm?? lol...jk. guess that's how they do it here. i buck up pan a pizza hut, the fanciest pizza hut ever!!! looks like a restaurant/jewelery store with recessed lighting and shit, the pizza all aglow as the patrons eat up the....what's that? 20 pounds for a 4-for-all?? i don't care if Queen Latifah is promoting pizza hut now, i still aint paying $40 for some sauce and dough!

i realize i gotta stop converting prices to dollars in my head because it is only making me crazy!! just take the UK price as is, man. anyway, i see a sign for a fish-and-chip shop, so i decided when in rome.... i decided to eat-in [not dine-in] rather than take-away [not take-out]. it was AIGHT. i think ill try the ethnic food next time as was suggested by a classmate. that was 6 pounds...$12 dollars for some deep fried fish and some big-ass fries?? damn..gotta stop converting. i left, forgetting to leave a tip, but as i will be informed later, NEVER tip. i walk around the town randomly, snap some pictures, see people at pubs. I get cold after 20 minutes so i head back to my room. i sleep for a couple more hours, wake up and go on the computer for a bit just so my battery isn't ALL the way dead, then back to sleep. gotta find a UK adapter for this thing.....I then sleep for 12 hours, the longest EVER in my ENTIRE LIFE!! but hey, time zone changes are a bitch.....

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