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Fruit shouldn't disappoint me

Nothing is going right.

1. First, my preceptor sucks. What's new? But maybe that'll be changing soon cuz yesterday I met with the lady that does hospital placements and there might be a possibility for me to start working. Secretly though, I was hoping it won't go thru, but we'll see.

2. Next, now I LOOOOVVVVE passionfruit-anything: juice, jam, whatever! But up until now, I've never had the actual fruit. I saw them in the grocery store the other day and was like "OOOOOOOHHHHH." I love it how the grocery store tells you how to know when fruit is ready for eating and sometimes how to eat them, helpful when you're unfamiliar with a particular food. Now I waited per instructions until the skin was kinda soft. Then I took a knife to the sucker.

This is where the trouble started.

First of all, it was sooo hard to cut open. I don't like to freakin wrestle with my fruit. As I finally cut it, a whole buncha juice starting leaking out the other side. WASTE! THEN when I finally got it completely open, there was barely any 'fruit' inside. It was delicious, mind you, but it took me whole of 10 seconds and only two scoops with my spoon and the damn fruit was done...OVER!!! What a ripoff. How could something I love so be so disappointing? I would have to eat about 5 of them to just get started. It takes me longer to eat 5 grapes than it took me to eat this thing.

I guess the lesson is that I need to buy 10 passion fruits at once, instead of two.

Also, my radio is playing in the background and all I can think is "I know Nelly didn't just sample Spandau Ballet." He's singing to the tune of "True." SHAME.

Jackson, out.

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rofl on the Nelly song. I have yet to hear it, but I'm CERTAIN it will be a gem.

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