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Do I look like I came here for lectures?!?!?

[Sigh] I'm REALLY tired of complaining, but...one more time. Now my preceptor suggested that I go to a lecture and a couple of workshops tomorrow. And I DO mean 'suggested' because he didn't demand that I go, which means I'm not going.

Do I look like I came here to sit in on lectures and workshops?? EFF NO!!! But the workshop sounds aight actually, cuz a girl who has to attend that same event told me it's a clinical pharmacy one. Unfortunately, I've been doing that type of stuff since I freaking got into pharmacy school. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to check out what the English do. My dilemma is that since I've already done clinical pharmacy in class, it's time for me to APPLY the shit. That's what I came here for, but that's not happening.

I wouldn't have such a problem with what's been going down here, except for the fact that my preceptor is a fucking[pardon my French] retard who seems to be planning everything at the last minnute. And I hate when I complain, cuz I think people think Im just being sour and not letting myself enjoy my time.

But I know myself. I don't like when there is no orgnization. I don't like when I have nothing to do!!! That's why I've quit most of the jobs I've have in my lifetime...I can't sit around twiddling my thumbs and 'looking busy.' Put me to work dammit!! That's why I would even do menial manual labor as a job because, guess what?? At least I'd be doing something!! DAMMIT!!!! Im so frustrated. And now I've been told that if I wanna go home early, I wouldn't be able to get reimbursed for this trip. That's the official version, but hopefully I can return home soon unofficially.

That's the work front. On the social front, had a lovely lunch yesterday with Mabu. I told her I would call her at 12 with my new mobile[yes, I said it] phone. I called at 12:05 and the girl was already gone. But apparently, her class had let out early and she was actually kinda waiting for my call. When she didn't hear from me, she left to go into town. But no biggie, I just rode back into town. Takes two seconds anyway. We went to a Thai restaurant where I had some bomb ass dumpings[I think I'm starting to like the Asian version of 'dumplings' better than the Caribbean one lol] and had some spicy main meal. Thai something or other. We talked about her trip to Holland, travel, languages, etc. Then yada yada yada, lunch was over. I bid her adieu and came back up to campus and spent the next three hours in the library on my laptop, cuz I haven't had proper internet time in a hot minute.

Today, I've done ummmm, nothing. Actually that's not true. I worked on my Curriculum Vitae because apparently, I need to email it to a person that could potentially get me a placement in a hospital. KEYWORD, POTENTIALLY!!!!!

I swear before God and man that if I am not doing anything next week more than sitting on my ass, I am SO out of here. Forget the reimbursement. Even though I've spent a whole buncha money already and put about $600 on my credit card, I would rather be at home. I can't take having nothing to do!

This would be a slightly different issue if I was at home when this sort of thing was happening. At least I'd be at MY house, with MY family, with MY friends within close distance[if you call Pembroke Pines and NORTEHRN Tamarac close], in a city that I KNOW and am very familiar with. But Im not. Im in another effing HEMISPHERE where I don't know that many people. Even though I'm getting to know a few, business takes precedence over pleasure. This thing has got me so stressed out, I haven't even been focusing on trying to visit other countries. Looks that might be even less of a possibility now that Im weighing whether or not to get a reimbursement.


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