Hurt and Offended
As a natural-born citizen of Rhythmania[more affectionately known as "Rhythm Nation"], I have never been so hurt and offended by another human being's blatant disrespect for my country's creed: one should at least have an OUNCE of rhythm. I'll get to that in a minute....
So yesterday, due to some mix-up with time and factor in the little issue that I don't have a mobile, I didn't get to practice with the group, even though it's the day before the show. Seriously, what did people do before cell phones? Arranged everything beforehand?? HA HA What garbage! I like finding things out at the last minute...everything feels more urgent that way. I was supposed to meet Shelly to go out at 8:30 and I told Krupa and Mabu, who I saw on the street, that if I went to practice I wouldn't be able to make it and I really wanted to go out. Plus, it wasn't my fault that I would be missing practice so they can't really be mad at me.
Over to "my flat" at 8:30, we said goodbye to Margot, who wasn't gonna come with us since she had to leave for her plane to Ireland this morning at 6:30. Their goodbye for their roommate who was gonna be leaving for four months didn't seem too sentimental to me...I was like "geez." No heartfelt goodbye or nothing. Over to another flat of another pharmacy student. She introduced her two friends who were visiting from Wales. All I remember one of them saying was I can call the other one "Smelly." OKKKKKK...
Sitting, chilling and drinking for a bit[2 glasses of citron vodka and diet lemonade sho nuff did the trick..I was HELLA relaxed], I come to find out that, out of the 8 people in the room, NOT A DAMN ONE was from the actual country of England: 5 from Wales, 1 from Ireland, 1 from Jersey[which is apparently NOT England; Taiwan/China anyone?], and then moi from the frickin other side of the world. But I've come to expect this...there are ALWAYS Welsh and Irish people around. I don't think they like to stay in the own country. Plus I don't think it happens the other way around..I doubt you find many English emigrating to those countries. I dont think they look upon them that well lol.
This reminds me of what an Englishman said to me yesterday at work when I told him I wanted to visit Wales: "Don't go to's full of Welsh people." lol He was joking but still, that's messed up.
I started talking mainly to "Smelly." She and her friend are in dentistry school at the Uni of Cardiff. cooool. I found out we were first going to Weatherspoons, a huge chain of pubs, then on to Babylon. We left and as I was walking between two Welsh people, they started talking about Wales, which sounded just like how I imagined it from what I've seen in pictures. I kept saying how nice it sounded and one of my future roommates[I totally forgot her name...eek] said she was going to Cardiff next Wednesday and said I could come with her if I want because I told her I have next week off. I said I would LOVE to go, even though Cardiff isn't really "Wales, Wales" but she said once her father hears I wanna see real Wales, he would definitely volunteer to show me around. So hopefully she was serious about that. But that means I would only go to London for the day so I can get my hair done and come back in time.
On to Weatherspoons, where they serve...COCKTAILS!!! YAY!!! I got a "Jamaican..." something or other...basically Appleton Rum with OJ and some other stuff. REALLY GOOD. I kept hearing them talking about how Shelly "pulled" this and that guy last week, last month, whatever..."pulled" meaning "kissed." I found out the Welsh girls would be going to Thailand this summer. I told them theyre probably gonna basically be Thai millionaires when they go there cuz Im sure the exchange rate is crap, and since it's a Third World country, everything should be mad cheap. They laugh. Shelly also mentioned about how Margot was "useless, stupid, and selfish." lol I dunno if it was the alcohol, but I dont think she REALLY meant all that.
On to Babylon, where there were WAAAYYY more people than last time. My future roommate Claire [I remember this one's name!] bought me a Malibu and coke, which she said is her favorite drink too. Smelly told me she loved to dance...and she wasn't lying. When we got to the dancefloor, I realized after a while, it was just me and her dancing our asses off. It was fun!! She was off the chain and I have to give her mad props cuz she was sho nuff doing the "1,2 Step" when that song came on. She also kept informing me when a British band would come on cuz I told her I don't know any music from here.
The night goes on...and I keep seeing this Hannah girl doing what she deemed "dancing." She became more and more drunk. At one point she fell flat on her ass, one of her shoes flying in my direction. I was obligated to pick it up or I would look like a total jerk.
I just REALLY wish I could write in words what this girl was doing!! I'm sure the look on my face signaled a combination of disgust and utter confusion. I was perplexed as to where the hell this girl came from. If you read this, and you'll see me personally in the future, PLEASE ASK ME TO DEMONSTRATE HER DANCING. I really want to do it for people that would appreciate the funny nature of the situation. As she got more drunk, she would start doing this move in an effing CIRCLE and start bumping into people...I started to think she was that damn ball in a pinball machine as she bounced from person to person.
After a while, I realized I was stuck with her and drunk Shelly and I started looking around for my new friends. I actually wished the two visiting girls were gonna be my roommates! They were so cool and I actually spent most the night talking to them. They bought some shot for me that smelled like licorice and tasted like bad cough medicine. They kept saying the name to me as I asked what it was, but dammit if I haven't forgotten it by now. Hopefully I see them again before they leave Monday.
Since this post is waaayyy too long time, I'm gonna stop. Moving in a couple of hours, show tonite, party afterwards. Is there a place in heaven for people that drink two nights in a row? Probably not, so not too much to drink tonite...definitely not. But after last nite, I think I need to be around some minorities.
Holla crack.
ps NOW that biatch Ares actually wants to work for me!! So I sure nuff downloaded a whole buncha stuff, including Amerie's new songs. She has some good ones on there like "Touch"[damn you Lil Jon!!!] and "Not the Only One" and the characteristic Amerie slow jams, which are reminiscent of the old album. Not as good as before, but sufficient. And she didn't become THAT whorish with her second album, so I might still buy it to support her. next up, JASON MRAZ, whom I'm TOTALLY in love with now. Ahhhh..he's such a damn good singer!! It makes my head hurt.....
So yesterday, due to some mix-up with time and factor in the little issue that I don't have a mobile, I didn't get to practice with the group, even though it's the day before the show. Seriously, what did people do before cell phones? Arranged everything beforehand?? HA HA What garbage! I like finding things out at the last minute...everything feels more urgent that way. I was supposed to meet Shelly to go out at 8:30 and I told Krupa and Mabu, who I saw on the street, that if I went to practice I wouldn't be able to make it and I really wanted to go out. Plus, it wasn't my fault that I would be missing practice so they can't really be mad at me.
Over to "my flat" at 8:30, we said goodbye to Margot, who wasn't gonna come with us since she had to leave for her plane to Ireland this morning at 6:30. Their goodbye for their roommate who was gonna be leaving for four months didn't seem too sentimental to me...I was like "geez." No heartfelt goodbye or nothing. Over to another flat of another pharmacy student. She introduced her two friends who were visiting from Wales. All I remember one of them saying was I can call the other one "Smelly." OKKKKKK...
Sitting, chilling and drinking for a bit[2 glasses of citron vodka and diet lemonade sho nuff did the trick..I was HELLA relaxed], I come to find out that, out of the 8 people in the room, NOT A DAMN ONE was from the actual country of England: 5 from Wales, 1 from Ireland, 1 from Jersey[which is apparently NOT England; Taiwan/China anyone?], and then moi from the frickin other side of the world. But I've come to expect this...there are ALWAYS Welsh and Irish people around. I don't think they like to stay in the own country. Plus I don't think it happens the other way around..I doubt you find many English emigrating to those countries. I dont think they look upon them that well lol.
This reminds me of what an Englishman said to me yesterday at work when I told him I wanted to visit Wales: "Don't go to's full of Welsh people." lol He was joking but still, that's messed up.
I started talking mainly to "Smelly." She and her friend are in dentistry school at the Uni of Cardiff. cooool. I found out we were first going to Weatherspoons, a huge chain of pubs, then on to Babylon. We left and as I was walking between two Welsh people, they started talking about Wales, which sounded just like how I imagined it from what I've seen in pictures. I kept saying how nice it sounded and one of my future roommates[I totally forgot her name...eek] said she was going to Cardiff next Wednesday and said I could come with her if I want because I told her I have next week off. I said I would LOVE to go, even though Cardiff isn't really "Wales, Wales" but she said once her father hears I wanna see real Wales, he would definitely volunteer to show me around. So hopefully she was serious about that. But that means I would only go to London for the day so I can get my hair done and come back in time.
On to Weatherspoons, where they serve...COCKTAILS!!! YAY!!! I got a "Jamaican..." something or other...basically Appleton Rum with OJ and some other stuff. REALLY GOOD. I kept hearing them talking about how Shelly "pulled" this and that guy last week, last month, whatever..."pulled" meaning "kissed." I found out the Welsh girls would be going to Thailand this summer. I told them theyre probably gonna basically be Thai millionaires when they go there cuz Im sure the exchange rate is crap, and since it's a Third World country, everything should be mad cheap. They laugh. Shelly also mentioned about how Margot was "useless, stupid, and selfish." lol I dunno if it was the alcohol, but I dont think she REALLY meant all that.
On to Babylon, where there were WAAAYYY more people than last time. My future roommate Claire [I remember this one's name!] bought me a Malibu and coke, which she said is her favorite drink too. Smelly told me she loved to dance...and she wasn't lying. When we got to the dancefloor, I realized after a while, it was just me and her dancing our asses off. It was fun!! She was off the chain and I have to give her mad props cuz she was sho nuff doing the "1,2 Step" when that song came on. She also kept informing me when a British band would come on cuz I told her I don't know any music from here.
The night goes on...and I keep seeing this Hannah girl doing what she deemed "dancing." She became more and more drunk. At one point she fell flat on her ass, one of her shoes flying in my direction. I was obligated to pick it up or I would look like a total jerk.
I just REALLY wish I could write in words what this girl was doing!! I'm sure the look on my face signaled a combination of disgust and utter confusion. I was perplexed as to where the hell this girl came from. If you read this, and you'll see me personally in the future, PLEASE ASK ME TO DEMONSTRATE HER DANCING. I really want to do it for people that would appreciate the funny nature of the situation. As she got more drunk, she would start doing this move in an effing CIRCLE and start bumping into people...I started to think she was that damn ball in a pinball machine as she bounced from person to person.
After a while, I realized I was stuck with her and drunk Shelly and I started looking around for my new friends. I actually wished the two visiting girls were gonna be my roommates! They were so cool and I actually spent most the night talking to them. They bought some shot for me that smelled like licorice and tasted like bad cough medicine. They kept saying the name to me as I asked what it was, but dammit if I haven't forgotten it by now. Hopefully I see them again before they leave Monday.
Since this post is waaayyy too long time, I'm gonna stop. Moving in a couple of hours, show tonite, party afterwards. Is there a place in heaven for people that drink two nights in a row? Probably not, so not too much to drink tonite...definitely not. But after last nite, I think I need to be around some minorities.
Holla crack.
ps NOW that biatch Ares actually wants to work for me!! So I sure nuff downloaded a whole buncha stuff, including Amerie's new songs. She has some good ones on there like "Touch"[damn you Lil Jon!!!] and "Not the Only One" and the characteristic Amerie slow jams, which are reminiscent of the old album. Not as good as before, but sufficient. And she didn't become THAT whorish with her second album, so I might still buy it to support her. next up, JASON MRAZ, whom I'm TOTALLY in love with now. Ahhhh..he's such a damn good singer!! It makes my head hurt.....
Maybe the shot you had was Jager? That's what your description points to.
Also, YEAH, congratulations on making Ares work. Good job, you special, special young lady.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:53 AM
Nah it wasn't Jager. Or maybe it is Jager, but they call it something different here. I had it the next night when someone else ordered it for me. "Zambuka" is the name I believe. I can't spell. sowee :(
Posted by
onus1234 |
2:45 PM