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Nite Out

Went out last nite to a place called "Cadillacs." This is the same place that Moussa told me was frequented by transvestites and gays......I'm done listening to that fool. He's the same one that told me Babylon was a Goth club. Just because they have one night with a certain theme doesn't mean it's always like that, but poor him. He don't know no better.....

So anyway, last week Tuesday, I had gone to this nice looking underground club called Poo Na Na's because it was some pharmacy girl's birthday and Krupa invited me to go. It was the best night since I've been in Bath!! The music was REALLY good and I actually danced the whole night. Part of the night, I was dancing with some guy named Beki[short for Bekitimbe..YES, he's African...specifically Zimbabwe]. He was a nice guy and at the end of the night he had asked for my number. Seeing as how Im very free and liberal with my number in Bath based on the idea that I should hang out with as many people as possible, I gave it to him. Actually, I didn't know my mobile number at the time yet, so I told him Id take his number and call him instead. I called a few days later, and he was at some karate party on some boat on the river in Bath. Hadn't talked to him since then, but I was making a whole bunch of calls yesterday to people at home, so I decided to call him too. Turns out, he was going out for one of his flatmate's birthday[i.e. they were gonna get drunk..he said he wasn't going to because he had an early day the next day]. He was already on his way to the "Rat and Parrot" when I called him, but he said they were going to a club later, so I told him to call me then.

Sidenote: what is with the weird names of pubs in Bath? Rat and Parrot? Lamb and Lion? Delfter Krug? Slug and Lettuce??? whutever.

Met him at The Podium at about 11 and off to Cadillacs. It, too, was underground and fairly large, I must say. A good amount of people were there, but it wasn't packed to the brim. Got a drink, danced for two seconds, kept meeting all the people he knew, then went to sit down.

At this point, I heard one of his flatmates shouting out "36C." Another one said another size and I figured they were talking about bra sizes. I turned around, and it turns out the freaks were talking about me!! They were trying to guess my bra size!! How rude! Another one said "36DD".

He would turn out to be gay. So of course, he wouldnt know jack shit about cup sizes.

To my horror, I then said "No, 36B" which was met with "NOOOO" and looks of disbelief. Im guessing it was the top I was wearing. Couldnt believe I just told that to a bunch of strangers, but I think the drink was kicking in.

Went back to the dance floor, where the music took a horrific cheesy turn. THEY STARTED PLAYING THE THEME FROM BAYWATCH!! BAYWATCH!!!! I couldn't believe me ears. And sadly, I started singing along; Beki laughed and said he thought I didn't like this type of music. I said this type of music is fine and I know the songs, but I just never expect to hear it in clubs. He started singing along too. They then started playing the theme for the O.C., I sang along but then said 'hell no' and went back to sit down.

Spent the rest of the night talking to Beki and some other people. I asked him if he knew he had the name of a girl and he said of course, but that it's too late to try to change what people call him. I said I understood. He thought about having people calling him 'Becks' instead, a la David Beckham, but like he said, it was too late. Didn't dance much the rest of the nite, but at least I was out of my house and got one free drink out of it.[thanks, Becks!!] Im sure he's interested in me as more than a friend, but I aint having that. A la Karen[lol], unfortunately I don't think African men are my cup o' tea. Only about two have caught my eye so far really cuz I've noticed that they dress reaaly well, and one of them is like 5"3' with a lisp so nah. His name is T.J. and he's a cool guy though cuz he told me I danced well last week when we were at Poo Na Na's. lol.

Im going to Paris and Brussels this weekend!! WOOHOOO! Based on the short conversation I had with a man when I called the hostel, French people ARE rude.....

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