Where was my mother?
I just chastised my mother.
During my unnecesary shopping spree in Walmart today [I only went in for some gum!!], I bought some document frames so we could put some of our more important accomplishments on display in our house, and I came across my grades from high school. All I have to say is WHAT THE FUCK??
I mean, did I even study?? I asked my mother why the hell she let me get such terrible grades and she laughed and said she thought I was doing well. What??? She said she only realized they weren't so hot when she saw how my sister's grades were when she got to high school and only then did she get a chance to compare and see that I could've done better.
I mean, they weren't THAT bad...it's not like I ever failed a class or anything [well, actually in physics, I did get an F but that was completely senioritis-induced]. But I saw WAAAYYYY too many C's that I could less care for and I did see an F and a D here and over there. An F..in semester 1 of French 2??? WTF???? I realized I always managed to do fairly well in the end cuz I would bust my ass for the final but sometimes the original semester grades weren't so good.
But I'm just mad because I would NEVER have accepted grades like that in college. I got two C the first semester in college[but that was when I turned into a gym-rat and went two or three times a day, which was well worth it cuz I lost 10 pounds!] and I said "eff that" and I never got another C again.
But seriously, where was my head in high school?? It's not like I played sports or something so I don't have an excuse for what could've taken up my time so that I wasn't able to study. High school was a blur and I really wish I knew what the hell I was thinking. Obviously I graduated high school and got the IB diploma [only a handful of people my year got it], went to college as a sophomore, blah blah blah, so it all turned out pretty good in the end, but for the life of me I don't know how...not with those grades anyway! How did any colleges accept me??? JEEZ!
My mother's solution: "just don't think about it." IMPOSSIBLE! I'm gonna go cry now. Plus it's time for Mad TV so I'm gonna go laugh too.
During my unnecesary shopping spree in Walmart today [I only went in for some gum!!], I bought some document frames so we could put some of our more important accomplishments on display in our house, and I came across my grades from high school. All I have to say is WHAT THE FUCK??
I mean, did I even study?? I asked my mother why the hell she let me get such terrible grades and she laughed and said she thought I was doing well. What??? She said she only realized they weren't so hot when she saw how my sister's grades were when she got to high school and only then did she get a chance to compare and see that I could've done better.
I mean, they weren't THAT bad...it's not like I ever failed a class or anything [well, actually in physics, I did get an F but that was completely senioritis-induced]. But I saw WAAAYYYY too many C's that I could less care for and I did see an F and a D here and over there. An F..in semester 1 of French 2??? WTF???? I realized I always managed to do fairly well in the end cuz I would bust my ass for the final but sometimes the original semester grades weren't so good.
But I'm just mad because I would NEVER have accepted grades like that in college. I got two C the first semester in college[but that was when I turned into a gym-rat and went two or three times a day, which was well worth it cuz I lost 10 pounds!] and I said "eff that" and I never got another C again.
But seriously, where was my head in high school?? It's not like I played sports or something so I don't have an excuse for what could've taken up my time so that I wasn't able to study. High school was a blur and I really wish I knew what the hell I was thinking. Obviously I graduated high school and got the IB diploma [only a handful of people my year got it], went to college as a sophomore, blah blah blah, so it all turned out pretty good in the end, but for the life of me I don't know how...not with those grades anyway! How did any colleges accept me??? JEEZ!
My mother's solution: "just don't think about it." IMPOSSIBLE! I'm gonna go cry now. Plus it's time for Mad TV so I'm gonna go laugh too.
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Posted by
Anonymous |
11:32 PM
lol, I know. When I found out that you weren't getting all A's in high school, I was surprised! I was always under the impression that you were a hardcore student back then for some reason. Anyway, you're doing really well now, so don't worry about it!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:51 PM
I was under that impression too!!
My head must've been in the dirt...
Posted by
onus1234 |
9:29 PM