Boots the Chemist

Started on Mon., where a lovely girl by the name of Reena, showed me the ropes. She's done with pharmacy school and just waiting to take her test.
Worked with a 'locum' i.e. fill in pharmacist from [gasp] Afghanistan!!! OUTRAGE!! jk..he made a bigger deal of it than I did. When I asked where he was from, he replied "Promise you won't shoot me?" thinking that, as an American, I would be shocked and would immediately want him annihilated. I told him I could care less. But what is going on?? He's the second...make that fourth person I've talked to who thinks that ALL Americans basically sleep with guns under their pillows. I met a bunch of guys on the train last week when they sat down next to me, and they told me they're gonna go to America and buy guns. Apparently, you gotta give an arm, a leg, and a first-born baby to get a gun here...which is why I've noticed that anytime a murder is committed here, it's usually due to someone being stabbed, bludgeoned with a hammer, or the like.
Personally, I'd rather be shot. Go America!
The way the pharmacy is operated is TOTALLY different. For instance, they tell people they'll have stuff ready in 5 minutes. I tell the people who work there that Eckerd back home is immediately ONE HOUR. They freak out. But we also do more checking than they do. I really wanna know how many prescription errors have been made cuz with the way they run things, I wouldn't trust that I was getting the right drugs from Boots.
Oh, went to that Babylon club on Tuesday. The music was GOOD, but again, not a lot of people. During the night, I would be 1. accosted[my new favorite word] by a weird guy who poked me in the stomach and tried to dip me. It would turn out that he was mentally retarded...or so I gathered and so did Ranya when she gave me the international sign for 'crazy.' 2. accosted by some drunk, white young lady who announced it was her birthday, told me to smile[I wish people would stop telling me that!!!], informed me she was Nigerian[whaatttt??] and AGAIN poked me in the stomach. Also met one of Alicia's friend's who seemed to become offended when I told him I didn't know much about some controversy going on in his home country, Zimbabwe. "Ummm, I don't watch the news." I was drinking too but didn't get a buzz. DARN! Is my tolerance that high??
Also, been practicing for the upcoming African-Caribbean Society dance. The girl I meet at the campus library is an Indian Kenyan...what?? But seriously, she's from Nairobi. I dunno how the hell that happened, but oh well. Her other friend, my ' dance pahtnah,' is the same but then we meet up with another girl who has a sort of American accent. Turns out, her mom is from Tanzania[more Africa!], she was born in DC, moved back and forth between England and US, has been to Senegal[which she described as 'ssoooo much fun'..maybe Moussa was right about his homeland] and will be moving to Montreal for a year coming up. Ummm, I think she likes to travel.
Kept meeting more people who were doing other dances too. One girl found out I was from Jamaica and asked me if I know any soca moves she can use. "Uhhh, there are no moves. All you do is wine and gyrate." We'll see if she takes my suggestion.
On my way home from work today, was accosted by a young man who wanted to 'preach the gospel to me' as he so delicately put it. Get outta my face, ye Christian!! I told him I was in a hurry, but of course, they don't LISTEN, so he basically followed my home. During this loooonnngg 5 minutes, he tells me blah blah blah and I say 'good luck with your religion."
What I really wanted to say was "Did you know that you guys are just one big cult?" lol Seriously, I always wonder how the heck Christianity became so widespread. I mean, if somebody was to tell that kind of story today, people would immediately dismiss them as a cult.
C'est ca.