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Getting fat


1. I think I might be eating too much junk because seriously, my stomach has been feeling a little..um...soft lately. I ABSOLUTELY cannot gain weight in that area. I got enough oversized adipose tissue in other places. I think I would look like a TOTAL FREAK if I had BOTH a big butt and a big gut. That just ain't right. God didn't mean for that! And I actually caught myself thinking "I think Im eating too much carbs." I cant believe that lo-carb propaganda had actually infilitrated my train of thought. Lo-carb bitches! But I really do think that's the culprit. I've been eating a lot of bread, A LOT, have had two belgian waffles at the Bristol train station[they are THE best thing I've ever tasted and smothered in chocolate makes them twice as good...damn maybe it's the chocolate], a lotta pasta and so forth. Anyway, from now on, I definitely gotta watch what I eat. Butt/Gut..EW!

2. Went into a record store and saw Now! 60. WTF?? Isn't America on, like, Now! 12??? Man, guess they started way before us.

3. Saw a store called "Pound World" aka dollar store. HAHAHA had a good time laughing at that one.

4. I actually saw a couple of houses in a row with 2 car garages. They must be ballers!

5. Saw another black girl one day when I was on my way to cash like 8000 pounds worth of travelers cheques!!! Surprised I didn't get mugged...anyway, I decided to take ONE LAST CHANCE and ask her about her hair. Mother effer...what did she say? "Oh, I go to London. But Ive heard about this Jamaican lady here that does it." I was like "Yeh I heard about her, but I dunno if I trust that." She said she only charges about 40 pounds, but anyway..I let her go on her way.

6. In terms of "work," Im still basically shadowing people. I basically go to where people work and watch THEM do THEIR JOB for like 4 hours. That shit was cool last week, but another week aint right. And plus, EVERYDAY I have to go somewhere else so I find out how to get somewhere everyday! No stability. Thank god tomorrow's the last day. Today I went to the prison pharmacy, where the pharmacist told me women criminals are more manipulative and cunning than most male prisoners and lack a sense of humor. Of course they don't...they're in jail!! lol But she just meant male prisoners are just big children..immature. A girl named Roberta worked there...she told me she was Italian, specifically Sicilian. I couldn't place her accent when I first started talking to her, but Italian was the LAST thing I would think...poor Eastern European country was my first choice. I told her the gangsters in American mob movies are always Sicilian and she said that wasn't true. Of course she would. She's prolly in the mob. lol

7. Yesterday saw me visiting with a chiropodist...aka podiatrist. Never seen so many messed up feet in my entire damn life. But then again, the people she gets are kinda the worst of the worst, mainly diabetic patients with foot ulcers, sores and other lovely ditties. I feel sorry for them though. One woman there had had a kidney transplant, a skin graft, and a couple sores on her feet and she had to wear some big ass velcro boot....and she was only 39!! I felt terrible for her. Poor her. Diabetes is a BITCH!!
Anyway, part of her work involved cut off dead skin cells and other lovely junk and at one point, I got a tad too close to where she was working cuz a few times the crap flicked in my direction. I watched those things fly past me in horrow. She noticed that and apologized...but I swear to god, if those things had ever hit me, much less hit some vital organ like my lips, I would've gone BALLISTIC and starting screaming, embarassing the patient...and myself in the process. Im sure they would have my pharmacy license revoked for that kind of display, even though i dont even have it yet!

8. On to Boots! Next week I begin work in the department store/chemist. I dunno yet which one Ill be in, but hopefully it's the big department store-looking one with the damn clinique and estee lauder counters in the front. What is this? Buh-dines?? [NOT burrr-dines as some people like to say lol] I don't need to buy Fashion Fair foundation and Ralph Lauren perfume when im picking up my antibiotics, spank you very much.

9. I had emailed the African-Caribbean Association to ask them when they would be having stuff. I got a reply saying they'd be having an "unofficial" social on Tuesday at this club called Poo-NaNa....yes, ill get to the name in a minute. I called up Moussa to see if he'd go with me, but poor thing was sick. He sounded terrible. I hadn't spoken to him in a couple days and it was actually weird not to have heard his voice for so long. [never thought I'd say that] Anyway, Poo-NaNa?? Am I the only one that knows that this word is euphemism for vagina?? Apparently not, cuz my neighbour, the girl from Maldives, knew what it meant too and we had a good laugh about it.

10. Just called Sharon to see if I could come stay with her in London this weekend. She said sure...that I should just call her whenever I wanna come..yay!! Basically, my return ticket was gonna expire next week so I need to use it up quick. Im so excited! See another part of England...even she's never been to Bath. She calls it country lol.

11. My flat iron wasn't broke..I was just being impatient. Works perfectly AND reduces frizz! WOW!

12. Met the rest of Margaret's roommates today. They seem very nice. Im still excited. I wish Margaret was gonna be there though cuz she is HILARIOUS. She cracks me up with the way she says stuff...this weird sarcasm she got going on. I gotta try to imitate it. I was asked how much pharmacists in the US make and I told them. They all almost had heart attacks[theyre all pharmacy students] and then they all agreed that they should move to the US and work for Walgreens.

Joe E. Crack!

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