What should I do with my life???
A very heavy question but it definitely needs to be asked. Here's my dilemma:
I definitely don't wanna live in FL anymore, but where do I go?
Should I do a residency or just go to work for Walgreens or something?
Here's what I really feel like doing: Moving to London (despite the recent scary happenings in that city) and living there for a year or something...if everything turns out OK. And the thing is that, I think everything would turn out OK. Thing is, I really liked England...yes the "houses" were really American townhouses lol, but hey everything's smaller so I'd have to just deal.
But I'm SCARED!! Scared that if I don't do a residency or start my career immediately, that I'm gonna miss out on something. I keep feeling that I need to get "my life" started right away. But I've heard it time and time again and I really need to start listening...that I'm a young person and I have plenty of time...'jehovah' willing.
Living here is giving me a headache. Too much CRAP to worry about, man!! Why does it seem like people's lives in other countries are not as complicated? That's because they're lives aren't complicated! They stress less and worry less. Perfect!
Or maybe I should move to an island...there is DEFINITELY never any stress when you live in an island country...it's not possible! All that damn sea water around has to be calming...tek it easy, as Jamaicans would say. Back to Jamaica, or should I try Puerto Rico, Madagascar maybe???
I'm sure I could get a job in England if I wanted...just take a little test. My skills are universal and marketable so it wouldn't take much to get a job. Unfortunately, they make way less money lol.
I just don't know what to do....someone just needs to come and tell me what to do. Or maybe I should stop doing what I always do and just make a decision and STICK TO IT! No dilly-dallying.
dammit. I'm out.
p.s. I broke my hair dryer 20 minutes ago.
I sat on my desk to look at it and try to fix it....the desk collapses underneath me. So I broke my desk 15 minutes ago. Sad.
my new favorite site....WIKIPEDIA. I've never learned so much from a website in my life!!! My brain is overflowing with info...
I definitely don't wanna live in FL anymore, but where do I go?
Should I do a residency or just go to work for Walgreens or something?
Here's what I really feel like doing: Moving to London (despite the recent scary happenings in that city) and living there for a year or something...if everything turns out OK. And the thing is that, I think everything would turn out OK. Thing is, I really liked England...yes the "houses" were really American townhouses lol, but hey everything's smaller so I'd have to just deal.
But I'm SCARED!! Scared that if I don't do a residency or start my career immediately, that I'm gonna miss out on something. I keep feeling that I need to get "my life" started right away. But I've heard it time and time again and I really need to start listening...that I'm a young person and I have plenty of time...'jehovah' willing.
Living here is giving me a headache. Too much CRAP to worry about, man!! Why does it seem like people's lives in other countries are not as complicated? That's because they're lives aren't complicated! They stress less and worry less. Perfect!
Or maybe I should move to an island...there is DEFINITELY never any stress when you live in an island country...it's not possible! All that damn sea water around has to be calming...tek it easy, as Jamaicans would say. Back to Jamaica, or should I try Puerto Rico, Madagascar maybe???
I'm sure I could get a job in England if I wanted...just take a little test. My skills are universal and marketable so it wouldn't take much to get a job. Unfortunately, they make way less money lol.
I just don't know what to do....someone just needs to come and tell me what to do. Or maybe I should stop doing what I always do and just make a decision and STICK TO IT! No dilly-dallying.
dammit. I'm out.
p.s. I broke my hair dryer 20 minutes ago.
I sat on my desk to look at it and try to fix it....the desk collapses underneath me. So I broke my desk 15 minutes ago. Sad.
my new favorite site....WIKIPEDIA. I've never learned so much from a website in my life!!! My brain is overflowing with info...
If you're serious about moving to London and you need a work permit, check out BUNAC, CIEE or one of the other Work in London sites for non-Brits. Or, check to see if it's possible to do your residency 100%, or at least partially, abroad.
I've taken many detours in life. Because of it, I've lived in a bunch of different cities and countries; I've also picked up a few languages along the way. My unsolicited advice would be to try the abroad thing if your heart is really in it. What have you got to lose?
Posted by
Twanna A. Hines | FUNKYBROWNCHICK.com |
12:31 AM
See what you make you feel happy .. What you really want to do with your life .. I just comes once .. Take a walk down the street and think what are the good things for wach of your descions ..See how it would affect your life and the others.. Once you know that .. You just need to follow with your heart ..
Posted by
ilaiy |
10:21 AM
thanks for all the good suggestions guys! I appreciate it :)
I think my heart really is into it and I'm seriously considering giving it a try.
Posted by
onus1234 |
7:06 PM
Make the right desicion
All the best ..
Posted by
ilaiy |
10:52 AM