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Graduatin' time

It's was my friend's graduation BBQ yesterday and here's a quick recap of allllll the going on's:

1. Got there HELLA EARLY!!!! Note to self: seriously, start showing up three hours late for EVERYTHING!!!

2. Took lots of pictures...everyone admired my camera...."so light and thin!" they all exclaimed.

3. Saw lots of people from school...it was great! One girl had just gotten back from a 6 month stay in Australia. I felt a connection to her being the world travellers that we are lol

4. Ate some AWESOME food. I wish I could eat like that every damn day of my life. I missed out on the actual BBQ food though and apparently I missed something great cuz I was told it was "life-changing" on a couple of occassions.

5. Was asked about a MILLION times where my other roommate from school, C, was. I kept saying, "this is not my party. How am I supposed to know if she's supposed to be here or not?"
Turns out, she wasn't even invited cuz no one really keeps in touch with her...or she doesn't keep in touch with anyone else, whatever it is...

6. Saw lots of babies and children.

7. Violated many HIPPA laws when I kept telling people at the party about the calls we get at work...I threw patient confidentiality out the window. But mind you, I never used any names.

8. I think of how much it sucks that we all live so far apart....or I mean, I live so damn far from them. That's why I either wanna a) make some new friends that live closer to me or 2) move to a 'walking' city where things are closer together. I'm tired of things being so spread out.

9. Was asked by my friend, S, if I ever hooked up with this other guy, M, who was at the party. I said "Ummm, no, Ive barely spent two minutes alone with him ever." But for some reason, she thinks he likes me. I told her that he's friendly and affectionate with EVERYONE, but dammit, she actually got me thinking about it...he is cute though...she thinks the same thing.

10. Accidentally hit the aforementioned boy, M, in his mouth with his water bottle. It was an accident but he kept telling people that I busted his lip.

11. My friend, S, kept telling everyone how she helped marinate the food. Lol...about 800 times. We kept telling her to shut up.

All in all, it was fun! I'm looking forward to having something for my graduation, which will be soooooon!!!


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lol...TERRIBLE! Not much alcohol at this event.

Kind of a family affair, ya know....even though I DID hear quite a few cuss words coming from the music sometimes.

Thanks, rap music!

Sounds really amazing .. Congrats for the graduation ..


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