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My crazy mother...and other subjects...

1. I love my mother, but she's nuts lol. She's taking these classes now and the woman said she was disappointed because she got a 92 for the whole class!!!! A 92!! I'm sure most of the other people would KILL to have a grade like her. But my mother is a big, smart overachiever so I'm not surprised by the attitude. But I'm proud that she's aiming so high. She even complains that the teachers don't know what theyre talking about. I told her she should become a teacher there when she's done. She's thinking about it.

2. Going to the VMAs is no longer happening. The tickets cost $100 and $200!!! Hell no I'm not paying for that. But sadly, there are people out there who will. We tried the option of being seatfillers for the event, but my friend got the email bounced back to her....ghetto. So that's not gonna work either.

3. Today was my last day at work at the PCC...for now. It was so sad. I had to say goodbye not only to the people who worked there, but also the girl who worked with me, S. She was so nice. I told her to keep in touch and she promised that when she was back down in Miami, we'd hang out cuz we didn't get a chance to this time around.

4. The "going out for drinks" thing with Mr. Married/Taken isn't gonna happen. He had to come in to work tonite cuz someone else called in sick. The more I think about it, the more messed up I realized it would be if I had gone out. But dammit, I just wanna go out for drinks!! I'm innocent in the mess. I just like to meet new people and hang out with them, but onna my friends said it would be better if it was like a whole buncha people going out instead of just us two, and I agreed. So I won't talk to him again....till November when I gotta go back to where he works.

5. Going out tonite..cuz it's free and I'm broke. Come on September! Can't wait for my student loans to come in....I need government funds!!


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