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Laguna Beach: What's wrong with Jessica??

Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH JESSICA??? Me can't tek this girl no more. [This is how serious it is...she made me get Jamaican on her]

Your boyfriend goes to a dance with another girl and then tells you you're annoying and you sit there and just take it?? This girl must be a glutton for punishment. I know that if that was me, either I'd a) punch his teeth out or b) say "Eff you" and never speak to him again. [I'd really like to do A but I'd probably end up doing B since I'm quick to dismiss people anyway.] I just really don't get what her deal is. I dunno what would make her keep staying with this guy. He's not that cute...he looks like a 38-year-old pretending to be a teenager! Then at the end of the episode, he had the nerve to say "Poor Jessica." UGH What a bitch! guys suck.....lol

Seemed as if everyone else had fun at the Winter Formal. Kristen went with some random dude, Jessica went with some Conan O'Brien lookalike and not-a-damn-cast-member Alex H. went with "some guy" [thanks, Best Week Ever!].

LC was totally absent from this episode. They need to show what the hell that girl is up to...if she's not in college, what the hell is she doing with her time? Does she work? Lay in her jacuzzi all day? What?

The funniest part of the show was the fact that all the girls were getting hair extensions...I was like black people were doing that ages ago and now you just caught on?? lol But hey, a trend is a trend. Kristen, Alex H., and Taylor's hair did look nice, tho. But Kristen's right about Casey's hair..it looks like shite. That girl is so fake!! With her huge, ridiculously white teeth, platinum blonde hair and fake nails. UGH, go back to where you came from.

Next week Stephen is back, God only knows why. Jessica and Jason are fighting...AGAIN...and then they show her crying.

Please Jesus, for my sanity, let the next episode be the LAST of this J/J mess. I like drama but not when someone's being so mistreated.

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