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Gotta go........away, not to the bathroom.

1. I've decided that I SERIOUSLY NEED to move away from South Florida...it's like not even a joke anymore. It's not good for me here. I decided this last nite. I won't say what happened but it just made me realize that I think I'll be better off somewhere else. If they didn't make such little money in England, I would totally move there lol. But since that's not really an option, I gotta think of where else I could move...Philly, Toronto, San Francisco?? Dunno yet, but I REALLY gotta go.

2. Went and saw "Red Eye" tonite with C and S. It was a really good movie! Too bad an argument between two ghetto ass groups of people erupted while the movie was starting. I can't believe how these people act when they go to the movies!! They just give black people a bad name. But back to the movie, I'm totally in love with Cillian Murphy! I just love his name lol. And he is so good at playing a psycho. I hope he becomes really famous cuz he deserves it. And I'm starting to like that Rachel McAdams girl too. I still need to rent "The Notebook" cuz I heard it's really good. It's so funny...neither one is American...damn foreigners imitate Americans so well! lol

3. If I saw ONE more frickin extra long t-shirt tonite I thought I was gonna scream. I even saw a GIRL wearing one!! They don't look good AT ALL and I dunno why those kids keep wearing it. Speaking of kids, why is that all I saw at the movie theatre?? There were TONS of them just chilling and hanging out. Is that where they all hang out nowadays?? I thought Muvico was bad, but now the theatre close to my house is like that too.

4. Got very tipsy last nite, but it was a good nite overall. Danced a lot and a lot of my friends were out too. Never sweat so much in my life, but it was all good. This morning though, I felt like I had made a fool of myself last nite because of how I was acting, but my friend assured me that I didn't and that I've done more embarassing things when I'm drunk, like trying to row with an umbrella on the floor of our apartment.

5. Tomorrow, I'm gonna try and see if I can call Moussa. I haven't talked to him in a while, and I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from me.


Cillian Murphy YUMMMM. I've seen a couple of his other movies, my favorite being 28 Days later!! [Not 28 Days, which is the Sandra Bullock movie that people always confuse it with]. I've also seen his first movie "Disco Pigs" which was totally Irish and really hard to understand, and "Intermission" which also had Colin Farrell in it...for once I didn't hate that guy.

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I **LOVE** Cillian Murphy. I saw Red Eye and it was truly a horrible movie. Only redeeming quality? Approximately 1.5 hours of Cillian eye candy. :)


lol it wasn't THAT horrible....was it?

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